Search Engine News

Google Features a Vertical List for Featured Snippets? Why Not!

Google might be testing a new Featured Snippet for the products. The new style is like a list of products on a vertical list with the name of the product and an image on the side.

As you can see from the image above, there are three products listed vertically, which is pretty neat and organized. As of now, we don’t have any information on the new feature testing, but a lot of people already noticed it.

Possible Effects on Marketers

If you will try searching for a certain product, you will notice that there is only a single image of a product included. Although there would be a list of products, it is not as organized as the current feature that Google is probably testing.

It would have more impact on the users because they won’t have to search for different products just to check them. Although it will include the name and the image, they would at least have an idea of what they are looking at before they click on a link.

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