Email Marketing Services

Generate quality traffic, build brand awareness, and establish credibility.

What comes to mind when you hear “Email Marketing?”

Hardly anyone opens my emails.
I haven’t sent out any emails at all!
All my email campaigns have flopped.
I send out emails to my list every once in a while, but nothing consistently.
People open my emails, but then they don’t click through.
Um… what is email marketing?
I have a large list of subscribers, but I’m not sure what to do with it.
I don’t have any subscribers! How do I get them?

Did any of that sound familiar?

It’s ok; this is a judgment-free zone. Email marketing is highly effective, but getting started can be daunting. Roava Digital Marketing will walk you through the process and help you start making sales automatically. With our guidance in building your lists and implementing strategic campaigns, email marketing will enable you to:

  • Improves your search engine rankings
  • Drives high quality traffic to your website
  • Builds brand awareness
  • Generates more market share for your business
  • Results in higher conversion rates
  • Establishes credibility for your company
  • Drives your long term success

What’s the deal with email marketing?

Here’s the deal: email marketing averages $42 of revenue for every $1 spent. That’s an ROI of 4100%!

Since email marketing is conducted with warm audiences who opted in to your list, it converts at a higher rate than any other marketing channel. After the initial investment of designing the emails and planning the content, your campaigns can run automatically and generate very high returns. This makes it the most cost effective form of direct marketing.

Here’s the Rundown

At Roava Digital Marketing, we offer comprehensive email marketing services, including:

Keyword Research – We dive deep into the data to find out which keywords are most important to your business and which ones you’re already ranking for.

On-Site SEO – How is your current website content performing? We’ll analyze it and recommend data-driven changes to improve your search engine rankings.

Off-Site SEO – We go the extra mile by researching and connecting with blogs in your niche. We’ll reach out to them and form partnerships that increase the authority and ranking of your website.

Content Development – We create engaging, audience-focused content around the keywords that matter to your business.

Keyword Monitoring – Set it and forget it is not our style. We provide keyword monitoring and real time updates of where your website ranks on Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Budgeting – We help create a strategic SEO budget for your business to make sure you’re investing appropriately but not wasting money.